Socio-economic plan

A cooperative plant lab for research and development in a  rural zone, as an anti-example of social anarchism.

Universities and research institutes in the European climax are governed by nepotism and oligarchy. The Greek territory is not an exception. Here, the hierarchical dictators of the institutional authority are in conflict with the knowledge production per se, since the economic resources are not communal and democratic.

Ιn this dystopic environment, we founded a small-medium enterprise of sole proprietorship. It is a small nursery for organic trees production and breeding. The employees are acting on a cooperative mode. Self-organization and direct democracy is a manner towards grassroots horizontality. The workers shall be share holders in the near future, under a collective company of solidarity. We use crowdfunding as a source of capital and we invite investors to join us. Fair trade in local and international market is the way for channeling personalized groups of customers, against capitalist modernity.

Proposal submitted to ASN conference, UK & TRISE conference, Greece (2024).
Τοwards a libertarian academia.

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