Experiments with organic cuttings
Category: Uncategorized
cyclic economy in plant nutrition
Organic manure in citrus orchard
Nursery’s areas 4
newcovered area ready to host new plants.
nursery’s areas 2
thujas, oleas, pomegranates… there can be picked at least 100 oleas koroneiki strain, on big pots of more than 30cm diameter
nursery’s areas 1
here is one of the areas where Citrus species are growing and where newcoming plants in pots are about to get placed
all those plants plus more are ready for sale, species mentioned on previous posts
Fixing a new place
new place for the plants!
The varieties we have and can propagate, by cuttings, grafting, air-layering, we can improve genetically while we are about to start crossbreeding propagation of new strains, is those below. Lemons: Maglino, Adamopoulou (fruits all year round). Oleas: Koroneiki. Kiwi: Hayward. Punica: Akon, Wonderfull, Ermionis. Oranges: Merlin, Navalina, Valencia, New Hall, Navelate, Moro Sanguine, Salustiana. Mandarins: […]