
The varieties we have and can propagate, by cuttings, grafting, air-layering, we can improve genetically while we are about to start crossbreeding propagation of new strains, is those below.

Lemons: Maglino, Adamopoulou (fruits all year round). Oleas: Koroneiki. Kiwi: Hayward. Punica: Akon, Wonderfull, Ermionis. Oranges: Merlin, Navalina, Valencia, New Hall, Navelate, Moro Sanguine, Salustiana. Mandarins: Klimentine, Nova, Mineola, Fortuna. Grapes: Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Roditis. Plus, Grapefruits, Fig trees, Pyrus, many different Prunus trees and the list is always getting bigger.

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